Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015

Rahman Belido









Harun Roni dari Muara Belida.
Kebun Raya Sumatera Selatan
Muara Belida (25 Februari 2015) (Madrasah via Dwi)
Muara Belida (25 Februari 2015) (Mega Pro)
Muara Belida (25 Februari 2015) (Depan Mesjid)
Muara Belida (25 Februari 2015) (PLN)
Muara Belida (25 Februari 2015) (Mesjid)
Muara Belida (25 Februari 2015) (Perahu dan Jul)
Muara Belida (25 Februari 2015) (Rahman Belido)
#‎MyToday Rabu, 25 Feb 2015... Belajar tentang alam sama dengan belajar mengenal Tuhan Yang Maha Satu.

Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

Sisa Foto di Facebook

Ibu Kikien Kinanthi pulang sekolah dalam kondisi hamil (Barusan).
Selamat Ulang Tahun Pernikahan ke-12, Istriku Kikien Kinanthi.
Ryan Saputra menyukai foto Anda (SDN 5 Gelumbang)
Sisa foto di Andromax

Manggis kiriman Le’ Giyok (10 Februari 2015)

Editan Foto Uyi
Teman-Teman Uyi (13 Februari 2015)

Sisa foto Andromax

Ulang Tahun Imi ke-6
Asa Do’a Imi (Demam India / Anjali)

Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

My Curriculum Vitae (2015)

A Curriculum Vitae is a written overview of a person's experience and other qualifications.


Wurry Parluten : Director of "Kematian"

My first movie in college is “Kematian”, in english means “Death”. This is short documentary about people, who argue about “the death”. In my life, this is for the first time I direct a movie at 2nd year in Jakarta Institute of Art (1997). My cameraman is Jimmy Fajar, and I remember, if I ever interview Yafisa Worohesti. One fenomenal shot in this movie is... When I can shot “die people” at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

Director (Antara Jakarta ke Jakarta)

In 1997, this is our short movie about transportation in Jakarta. The title is “Antara Jakarta dan Jakarta”, means... “Between Jakarta and Jakarta”. For the first time I use Adobe Premiere in my college. In this project, I am editor.
Another experiment in 1997 is “16 mm”. In this tentative, I am an actor who suicide because of unemployed.

Deddi Fasmadhy : Director of "Pecah Bulu"

"Pecah Bulu" is unique title for this short movie. Because this term means "puberty" in english language. The director is Deddi Fasmadhy, again and again I still actor.

Another movie from Deddi Fasmadhy is "Eretan", the documentary about river transportation in Jakarta. I don't remember, what do I do in this movie? Maybe I am cameraman.

Siti Irma : Director of "Tattoo"

Another movie in 1997 is "Tattoo". The director of this movie is Siti Irma. I am an actor (again).

Firman Syah "Do you love Me?" director

This is the first movie which inspired by a song. The song title is "Cintakah kau Kepadaku?" (Do you love me?). This movie go in to festival in Jakarta, but we lose. The winner is Hanung Bramantyo with movie "Larung". The director of this movie is Firman Immank Syah, another Indonesian TV's director.

Another movie from Firman Immank Syah is "Got is Tot", tells about Nietzsche statement. I try to remember my task in this short movie, maybe as a Lighting.


Blend Rock : Director of "Komandanku"
As a Screenwriter, I making movie with director Blend Rock. The title is "Komandanku", in english means "My Commander".

Another experiment with keyword "Rest in Peace Shaun The Sheep" (via Google).


In this year, I try to experiment with "1001 Tiket Film Indonesia", in English means "1001 tickets of Indonesian Movie". But this experiment finished at 45 movies.

At the end, I meet Marzuki Alie at this moment.


After a long waited, the movie "a Name for Satay" premiere at "Bioskop Indie Kreatif Nusantara (Bikin)" (Grand Charly, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah). I call this movie like a homemade.


Indonesian Movie Festival (FFI 2014) (website).


This is another short movie by homemade. The title is "Uyi and Imi Learn to Movie : Water". Yeah, something like Michael Learns to Rock, I mean. 

Sponsored by Lovamil (Kalbe)
My last experiment with "Movie by Homemade" is "Free Obstetric Ultrasonography". 

Another Link

Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Antara Jakarta ke Jakarta (1997)

Transportasi Jakarta Tahun 1996 - Antara Jakarta Ke Jakarta

Komandanku (2012)


Rest in Peace Shaun The Sheep (2012)


Free Obstetric Ultrasonography (2015)


Obstetric ultrasonography is the application of medical ultrasonography to obstetrics, in which sonography is used to visualize the embryo or fetus in its mother's uterus (womb).

This event in February 13, 2015. At my mom’s Clinic, in Indonesian language "Klinik Bidan Emmy Sumarni". You can check the place in this link.

What do I do with this footage? I’ll try to make a video about my wife. She is pregnant. She is a teacher and an author of fairy tale. You can contact her at this link.